Respect, in the new millennium, seems to be a thing of the past. You can’t find respect amongst kids/parents, race differentiation, men to men, women to women, and most definitely not in relationships (well… most). I know there are people going cray cray right now in disbelief, but it is true. Think about it, who defines respect? Each individual person. Meaning, what may be disrespectful to you may not bother another, and vice versa. That’s why it is very important to understand your partner. Know what their boundaries are so you don’t cross them. Now, if you never took the time to learn and understand your partner, this would be very hard to do. So the disrespect can be considered innocent when you don’t know… But I’m not giving you that excuse, FIND OUT!
I’ve found that, with men, most times when their woman feel as if they are being disrespected, the man doesn’t even know or realize it. This is partially because he has a total different definition for disrespect. For example, if you see your man out chatting with a woman and it looks “flirty”, or even if he is doing this while he is with you, he may not necessarily think he’s flirting, and he very well may not be. He may view it as just friendly conversation or being cordial. His woman, on the other hand, may be livid! There will be 2200 questions running through her head such as; is he cheating? How could he be blatantly entertaining conversation with another woman in front of me? Does he think she is more attractive than me? Am I fat? etc. A woman’s thought process will build a whole different level of insecurity and she may not even know it. Try talking to your partner and letting him know how you feel about those situations. He will have to respect it, and if he can’t then maybe you need to have a different conversation.

Now, you know I have to explain respect and it’s relation to social media right? Good! I’m happy you understand!
Men, entertaining flirtatious comments from women on your page is indeed disrespectful to your woman. And we all know what those comments look like; “I love a intellectual man!”, “Very handsome pic sir! :)”, “I loveee a beard *insert heart emoji* so sexxxxyyy!”, “What did you say your profession was? I need some work done on my house” *side eye*. Women are slick, 10 times slicker than men. They know how to insert the “hint” where it may go over the head of some, but slap the person it’s intended for right in the face. Not saying that all women do this, but most do. So men be careful of your response. Your woman IS watching. And although some men are clueless as to how this impacts the woman, it does. No woman wants to feel like “any” woman can get attention from HER man.
Women, you are not exempt. Posting 80 billion selfies with duck lips, swim suit pics, club pics, ass silhouettes etc. basically draws attention to you. So when you get the random men on your pics posting; “Damnnnn ma!”, “Very sexy”, “Let me take you out sometimes”, or “I love full lips!” be very careful. Your man IS watching, and he doesn’t like it! No man wants HIS woman getting that “type” of attention from another man. It becomes a retaliation game. You post a sexy pic in retaliation for how he responded to a comment and vice versa. This is not healthy! No relationship has room for games, and games are for kids so leave them as such.
Respect one another’s feelings and desires. This is part of the groundwork that needs to be done to keep your relationship healthy and stable. I understand that we were all raised as individuals and we definitely don’t want anyone attempting to alter the way we do things, but it is necessary in a relationship. Your one quickly becomes two, so consider the heart of your partner.