Last week, I touched on ways to keep a peaceful home and focused on the men… Now, I think it is very important that we explore this for the modern day woman as well. We are living in 2015, right? Most women today hold down a full-time job just as well as their spouse/partner. Being so, some of the ideas and tips that we discussed in the last post may not necessarily apply…
If a woman has a full-time job as well as have to pick up the kids, and take them to their respective extracurricular activities etc., nine times out of ten she will not be able to have the house spotless when her partner arrives, or even dinner prepared. Be patient and understanding fellas. Think about how long and stressful your days can be… She is more than likely experiencing the same thing and maybe even to a higher degree. She needs her “moment” as well. Sometimes women are silently crying out for their spouse’s help. Why silently you ask? Because we, as women, are prideful and feel that we can do it all. We would like to believe that we can sustain our household duties without any help. Lastly, we never want to upset the men! All men aren’t hard to communicate with, but it does vary based on the individual. Ladies, it is ok to ask for help. Asking, does not take anything away from how hard you work. It is simply you asking your spouse for assistance, which is absolutely ok.

Wait, fellas did I hear you ask how can you help? Well thanks for taking the initiative, I’m happy you asked!

 Ways to assist your woman:

– Help get the kids situated. Sit them down at the table and get them started on their homework, etc. This helps tremendously! The last thing a woman wants to do is rush home, make dinner, and then still have to worry about the kids school work. Help her eliminate it early. It will make for a smoother night… :o)

– Load the dishwasher or wash the dishes. If there are clothes that needs to be washed, take them to the laundry room. Assist in whatever way you can in at least “straightening” up the house. It will help tremendously.

– Assist in the preparation of dinner. What I mean by this is, if you know there are ingredients needed, make the store run before she gets home. Ask her what she is cooking, and have the ingredients out on the counter for her. Hell, if you are a halfway descent cook, start the meal!

Two working partners/parents require support from one another! We all get tired and exhausted. Compromise and assist your partner. And don’t expect a “television perfect” home. The two of you may be able to alternate who cooks dinner on specific days of the week, alternate who picks up the kids on specific days, who is going grocery shopping by week, etc. Help your woman get her “moment,” and I can guarantee that she will reciprocate. There is no room for selfishness here… Peace for a woman is just as critical as peace for the man. The question is, are you willing to do the work to obtain that peace?