Everyone and their mama (literally) has a social media page, right? I mean, let’s be real, we are living in 2015 where everything is electronic driven. Hell, teens feel like they will not survive without a cell phone for crying out loud! What would they have done in the beeper era… Anwho…
One commonality that I have seen on these sites is the amount of people who humble-brag on their relationship. Now, I understand that when it’s good you just want to shout it to the world! But, again let’s be real, who are you really shouting to? A typical friend list these days consist of strangers, stalkers, high school friends who may not have really liked you in high school, family who you never talk to, and those closest to you of course. These days it’s all about numbers.
No one has any discretion anymore about who they accept, or even if it’s someone who they would normally share their “life’s events” with. What you will ultimately bring is the WRONG attention. So ladies, this one is for you. When you get that urge to brag a lil’ bit on your page about the new purse or shoes that your man just bought you, the nice house that he has you put up in, or the expensive dinner that he treated you to… It’s important to understand the possible repercussions from that. We all know that we, as women, can be our own worst enemy. So instead of you FBF’s being happy for you, they go to your man’s page (which you have tagged in every single post btw), and scope him out. They want to know how does he look, what does he do, etc. If he’s suitable, here comes the inbox messages… Then lord forbid he cheats with one, there goes his household down the drain. But who is to blame? Yourself! Unfortunately, there are people out there who don’t want to see you happy, or feel as if you don’t deserve what they don’t have, so they seek out to take it. Unbeknownst to you, via the humble-bragging and tagging on FB, you just sent a astronomical amount of kitty kat your man’s way. So congrats, give yourself a pat on the back! You got some attention, just not the attention that you were looking for?!?!… I guess *kanye shrug*
Mixing your most intimate moments with social media can (and sometimes will) result in one thing… HEARTACHE. I’ve heard the rants from people, “if you can’t post a pic with him then you may be the side piece”, and “I should be able to talk about my man/woman on my page, THEIR MINE!”. Yup, those things may be true. However, when you “share” your relationship with the world, you open it up to scrutiny, judgment, negativity, cheating, etc. Granted, those things can happen, but it doesn’t have to happen PUBLICLY. If you leave your man/woman and the social community knows nothing about them, you can do it quietly. Hell, you may even consider taking the person back, no harm done. Now on the flipside, leave them on social media and everybody and their mama has an opinion. Now you can’t go back because you’re too embarrassed! You may even feed into the negativity and bad mouth your partner which ultimately creates a permanent rift between you two. Not to mention, those very people that you realllly don’t know, now has their eye on your EX-partner. It’s fair game, right?!?! Their single now! Again, you can’t be mad when random women/men are in your partners inbox sending naked selfies and shit… I’m just sayin
The fact of the matter is, you have to have some discretion. Your relationship is sacred, intimate, and loving moments shared between you and your significant other. If the love between one another is understood, there is no need to boast it to the world. They will see it when they see the two of you. You don’t owe anyone a explanation about what’s yours. What goes up in public must come down in public, right? Why put yourself through that mess? It isn’t worth it.