Let’s have some girl (and guy) talk about tonight’s episode of Empire! This blog will be two fold because there are some very real issues playing out in these episodes but there are also some hints of funniness that I just can’t help but add some sarcasm about! Hehe… Anywho…

I literally shook my head tonight because I couldn’t do anything but think of the realism that the story line carries. This episode in particular deals with two very real issues that plague most households…

The realism: The first being the dysfunctional parents… Two people who are, or were, married at some point… Who has been intimate enough to produce not one, not two, but THREE children! But who currently cannot stand in the same room as one another and act like functional adults. We see all three kids battling for attention and acceptance, as the parents’ battle over money. We all know several people who are co-parenting and act like this right now. Every single decision and action is to spite the other person. And in this case, who can rule the music industry… But where is the parenting? Where is the guidance? Where is the regards for the kids? Whom, by the way, it doesn’t matter how old they are, they are still looking for that love and support from their parents.

 Ultimately, what I see is two adults who are clearly hurt; both from their upbringing and from each other. But it makes sense, if you are raised in dysfunction and turmoil once you have your own home that energy will still remain. Mostly because you don’t know any better. Who is there to teach you how to love and support your spouse and your children if your parents never reciprocated it? No one! One of the benefits of the scenes are the flashbacks… Reflecting on the childhood of Lucious and the confusion of Cookie really sheds light on their character. They have yet to grow as people, and until you take the time to do that, you can be of absolutely no value to anyone else. Sure, they feel like they are protecting themselves. They are guarding the inner child who is still hurt from years and years up built up pain. That child inside is actually waiting to heal, it’s the person outside that won’t let it. Now, the subliminal love that they still have for one another is strong. They are just too stubborn to hash it out and communicate! Speak it! Say all that hurtful shit, what each one done to the other to disappoint and demean one another and put the differences aside for a more cohesive family. It’s hard, it really is, but it will lift a weight so heavy off your soul in the end that it is definitely worth it.

 The sarcasm: Now… Can we talk about Anika and her cray cray-ness?!?! Let’s just start by saying she found out she was pregnant. Well… In typical side piece fashion, when she attempts to tell Hakeem he informs her that he is now in love. Instead of still expressing the fact that she is with child, she lied and said that she only stopped by to show her support and left. Now, we’ve seen these scenarios play out wayyy too often in real life as well. This young man basically used Anika in his time of need. First, to get back at his dad, then to get back his manhood. Not once during the season can I say that I ever felt like they were in a real-ationship. But as women, we are emotional creatures and sometimes we wear our heart on our hot spot. Yes, this man is young, and probably sexed her in ways that old ass Lucious couldn’t, but don’t confuse that with love Boo Boo Kitty! Fast forward, yes, being pregnant is emotional and overwhelming to say the least, but the baby won’t force the man into staying… It never works like that… EVER. With the season finale coming up, I’m interested to see what her plan is. Tonight’s episode ended with her staging herself as the driver for Hakeem’s new girlfriend. Again, cray… cray…

The realism: It’s soooo important for us, as women, to understand when we are valued and when we are just being used as pawns for the moment. Men can be manipulative, but we have something that they don’t have and that is intuition. We know, I mean deep down in our gut, we know when it’s right and when it’s just flat out wrong! Yes, it’s easy to shame the men once we pop up pregnant with babies that they say they don’t want, but we have to hold ourselves accountable too. Sometimes, the fun of the sexual experience isn’t worth the lifetime of pain that comes afterward. We can choose to protect ourselves (condoms, birth control, etc.) or just choose our men wisely period. It’s definitely time for us to take our crown back. It is a blessing to be chose by a woman and even more of a blessing for her to bear your child. No man should ever shun that, and if he does, he never deserved you in the first place.


What are your thoughts on tonight’s episode?

Did you think Hakeem “really” won that rap battle? *side eye*

Would you like to see Cookie and Lucious hash out those childish ass differences and build a solid empire? Let’s talk tv!