#2 Reason Relationships Crumble

FINANCES! Yup, financial woes are the #2 reason why relationships go down the drain. There is nothing wrong with having a “bread-winner” in the house; those aren’t the issues that I’m concerned with. As a matter of fact, being a stay-at-home moms or dad is usually...

#1 Reason Why Relationships Crumble

Solid relationships are few and far in between these days. I mean, it’s really sad. It’s almost like the general population has lost hope in love… and life for that matter. Whenever I turn on the television I see a new break up or divorce; hell… to personalize it even...

A Tip To The Lonely Friend – Male Edition

Q for the ladies: Does your man have a friend, or several for that matter, who are not in relationships? Therefore, they need HIS time alllll the damn time? You know, constantly wanting to go out, or to watch a game, or to eat? When really, they are just lonely. They...

E-Topic: Return Of The Ex…

Subject: How do I know if my man is cheating with his ex? Scenario: My boyfriend and I have been together for several years. Recently I found out that he has been sneaking and doing things such as taking his ex to work and picking her up, taking her on grocery runs,...

The Cycle Of Insecurities

To feel secure in your relationship means to trust… It’s as simple as that. When you trust your partner, you will not worry about what they are or could be doing to hurt you every moment of the day. You will cherish the good times instead of searching for the bad....